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HTML Tips: Getting Blank Space
The Blank Space Trick
So, you want a little white space on your page? What to do, what to do? There are two ways to accomplish this feat.
Let's start with the easiest--the non-breaking space. This is simply a command that tells your browser to retain this bit of blank space (and never to break the line there). It was originally intended to serve as a spacer between important words that should always appear together, for instance, proper names like Jane iVillager. I've inserted the non-breaking space command, between the first and last name in that sentence to ensure they don't get separated.
But the non-breaking space is good for so much more. I've ensured an indent at the start of all my paragraphs by using the command. You can ensure blank vertical space by entering a series of <BR>s prefaced on each line by the non-breaking space.
BONUS: The single-pixel transparent gif is the other great way to force space. Make or find a single-pixel transparent .gif image. Then when you want space, take that see-through image, resize it using the WIDTH and HEIGHT commands for images and you'll force a blank space of any size (vertical and horizontal) you desire.
Don't believe me? Well, here's the proof. I've linked the graphic to the tip archive and kept the border on so you can see how much space is made with a 50x50 resized gif, but normally you'd make sure NOT to have any borders showing! Enjoy your two new tricks!
Check out my Tip Archives for previous weeks' helpful ideas!
Created by Ancarett. Updated 28 June, 2001.