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Who is She?
I was born in a log cabin. . . .
  No, that won't do. Let's start again. . . .
  Long ago in a galaxy far, far away. . . .
  No, that isn't it either. Let's see. . . ah, now I remember!
  I was born in the early hours one day in May, 1963. My mother's obstetrician was bitterly disappointed that I wasn't named after the current piece of space flotsam NASA had thrown into orbit, but my mom thought "Faith" wasn't it. So I was christened Janice, and grew up in the quiet, academic town of West Lafayette, Indiana. My father worked as a materials science professor while my mother worked both inside and outside the home at a variety of occupations, as well as earning her master's in education and a prized certification from the Embroiderer's Guild of America. They now live in sunny, beautiful North Carolina, where I visit them not often enough.
  I was blessed, or cursed, with an older sister, who bore with my annoying behavior for no other reason than my parents said she had to. Despite that, we grew up and somehow managed to stay friends to this day. She lives in Iowa and teaches biology to a crew of hopeful college students. Barbara inherited my mother's love for quilting as well as her artistic ability in that field. Add to that the fact that this women has the energy of a legion and you'll have a good picture of my sister.
  In the normal course of time (actually, a little early) I graduated from high school and started my studies at Purdue University.Purdue Campus After trying out two other majors (geophysics and interdisciplinary engineering), I became a history major. I studied, and studied, and studied, at Purdue and the University of Toronto, for so long that in 1991 the desperate Canadians gave me a Ph.D and shoved me out the door (but not before I met and became engaged to a wonderful man).
  In pursuit of my chances of academic success, we moved to SudburySudbury Rocks, Ontario, Canada; a place quite north of anywhere (or so it seemed) full of nickel mines and other eccentricities. Here my husband and I settled in, raising a family that grew with the acquisition of a cat (mine), two dogs (ours) and two lovely daughters: Eleanor, born in May of 1995 and Constance, our Hallowe'en treat of 1996. At the same time, I rose through the ranks to become an Associate Professor of History at the city's university, but found work a bit routine. Becoming a mom twice over in 18 months put an end to my lazing around, and, as I finished my second maternity leave, I realized that I'd become addicted to the internet. Newsgroups, email lists, webpages, you name it, I went there and loved it. So much, that I started into the wild and wacky world of webpages. I taught myself HTML, Javascript and a lot of useless trivia about how PCs work, all in pursuit of a fulfilling internet life.
  Then I found iVillage! Finally, a place that understood me in all my many facets (well, okay, there are one or two aspects of me Janice and her eldestthat aren't here at iVillage, but they're pretty minor). A place to meet, chat, post and congregate! A place filled with people who fast became great friends. Here's a place I'll always consider an online home away from home.
Now, go and create a page all about you!

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Created by Ancarett. Site updated 7 November, 2003.