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Style: What's Hot and How to Do It!
All right, now you're making your webpage and you want to make it the coolest of all. Well, settle down in front of the computer while I introduce you to ideas and arbiters of internet style.
There are a lot of great resources out there to help you achieve the look you want. I recommend, however, that you begin by surfing the net to see the sites that catch your eye as well
as the sites you just can't stand. Take a look at HOW these sites are made by using your browser's "View Page Source" or "View Source" command (hint: look up on the toolbar). You'll get the entire HTML file for the page in question. You can see where they used different fonts, images and other neat HTML tools to achieve a desired effect.
But you want something more, something to help right now you say? Look no further. I've compiled a list of some of my favourite internet style resources here and I'll keep adding as time goes by.
- Dave Siegel's Creating Killer Web Sites (Second Edition). Okay, you either love or hate this man's work, but you have to admit, his sites combine elegance of presentation and navigation in ways few others can match. I don't agree with his desire to subvent the universality of HTML code with images that exactly reproduce the vision of the graphics designer, but I've borrowed some of his ideas in creating my main page table and in creating a palette of colours for my pages.
- The infamous Web Sites that Suck: Learn to do right by avoiding what's wrong. These guys are really funny, but also very good at pointing out common errors and weaknesses in websites. They also give you some great ideas about how to fix or improve your own site.
- Lynda Dot Com: benefit from the wisdom of a great graphic designer and web woman. Note: Check out her GREAT browser-safe color cheat sheets!
- the home of usability guru Jakob Nielsen, this site explains the principles of simplicity in website organization and design. Excellent!
Check out my Font Page for advice about changing fonts and sources of great free fonts for your home page fun!
Created by Ancarett Updated 28 June, 2001.