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Change Your Font Sizes
So you want things Bigger or smaller on your web page. Just use the <FONT SIZE> command to scale your text up and down.
Fonts can be enlarged or shrunk in proportion to your current text size by setting the font size to +1, +2, +3 or -1, -2, -3, etc. Here's a eye-catching example of a larger font. Smaller fonts work great for credits.
The format for the command is simple. Just preface the text you want to resize in this manner: <FONT SIZE="+1"> and at the end of the phrase, close the command using </FONT> and your work is done. Make sure to view the file to see that you're happy with the size you've chosen. Combine different font sizes with other font-changing commands such as <EM> to italicize text or <STRONG> which renders words in bold.
BONUS: Use the same syntax to change the typeface of your text, for example: <FONT FACE="Courier, Times Roman">Different Type</FONT> sets these words apart through their typeface (here's how that would look in action Different Type. Remember to use the </FONT> to end any font size or typeface changes!
Check out my Tip Archives for previous weeks' helpful ideas!
Created by Ancarett. Updated 28 June, 2001.